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우수 논문 리스트

전체 74
번호, 제목, 카테고리, 첨부파일, 등록일, 조회수로 구성된 공지사항 목록
번호 제목 첨부파일 등록일 조회수
74 [2024.03 출판] 유재수(전자정보대학 전자공학과) Lead-free silver niobate microparticles-loaded PDMS composite films for high-performance clip-like hybrid mechanical energy harvesters 2024-04-15 14
73 [2024.03 출판] 김도경(의과대학 의예과) Recent advances in multifunctional therapeutic materials for overcoming cancer using light, ultrasound, and light-/ultrasound-induced immune system 2024-04-15 10
72 [2024.03월 출판] 강두선(공과대학 사회기반시스템공학과) Application of multiple pressure management strategies in urban water distribution networks using sequential optimization 2024-04-15 5
71 [2024.03월 출판] 권일근(치과대학 치의예과) Bioinspired semi-flexible hydrogel with anti-inflammatory potential for natural tissue-mimicking bone regeneration 2024-04-15 8
70 [2024.03월 출판] 황성연(생명과학대학 식물.환경신소재공학과) Network of cyano-p-aramid nanofibres creates ultrastiff and water-rich hydrospongels 2024-04-15 6
69 [2024.03 출판] 구철모(대학원 스마트관광원) Understanding compensatory travel 2024-04-15 8
68 [2024.2월 출판] 유재수(전자정보대학 전자공학과) Binder-Free Electrospun Nickel Cerium Selenide Nanofiber Electrodes Based on Voltage-Stimulated Diameter Refinement for Solar-Charged Quasi-solid-State Wearable Supercapacitors 2024-04-15 5
67 [2024.02 출판] 정기홍(대학원 그린바이오과학원) CRISPR enables sustainable cereal production for a greener future 2024-04-15 6
66 [2024.01 출판] 박윤석(공과대학 정보전자신소재공학과) Soft, full Wheatstone bridge 3D pressure sensors for cardiovascular monitoring 2024-04-15 6
65 [2024.01 출판] 이승현(전자정보대학 전자공학과) Air-stable, all-dry transferred ReS2/GaSe heterostructure-based NO2 gas sensor 2024-04-12 8

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