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연구처 산학협력단 로고



우수 논문 리스트

전체 125
번호, 제목, 카테고리, 첨부파일, 등록일, 조회수로 구성된 공지사항 목록
번호 제목 첨부파일 등록일 조회수
125 [2024.12 출판] 유재수(전자정보대학 전자공학과) Surface Patterning of Metal Zinc Electrode with an In-Region Zincophilic Interface for High-Rate and Long-Cycle-Life Zinc Metal Anode 2024-12-12 26
124 [2024.12 출판] 이경엽(공과대학 기계공학과) Optimizing conductive properties of polymer carbon nanofiber composites: Insights from an extended Hui-Shia model 2024-12-12 26
123 [2024.12 출판] 이선미(응용과학대학 응용수학과) Optimal region-specific social distancing strategies in a complex multi-patch model through reinforcement learning 2024-12-12 4
122 [2024.12 출판] 신정우(공과대학 산업경영공학과) Forecasting of changes in electricity consumption due to EV diffusion in South Korea: Development of integrated model considering diffusion and macro-econometric model 2024-12-12 8
121 [2024.11 출판] 김연주(대학원 생명공학원) Stem-and-leaf of new hydroponically-cultured ginseng cultivar K-1: A sustainable and innovative resource of ginsenosides for anti-inflammatory agents 2024-12-12 4
120 [2024.11 출판] 오승대(공과대학 사회기반시스템공학과) Machine learning surveillance of foodborne infectious diseases using wastewater microbiome, crowdsourced, and environmental data 2024-12-12 4
119 [2024.10 출판] 장윤혁(생활과학대학 식품영양학과) Preparation, characterization, and prebiotic potential of pectic oligosaccharide enzymatically derived from citric acid-extracted pumpkin pectic polysaccharide 2024-12-12 6
118 [2024.10 출판] 구태영(대학원 융합생명의약학과) CRISPR-mediated ablation of TP53 and EGFR mutations enhances gefitinib sensitivity and anti-tumor efficacy in lung cancer 2024-12-12 4
117 [2024.10 출판] 조형태(공과대학 화학공학과) Sustainable chemical recycling of waste plastics into olefins through low-pressure hydrothermal liquefaction and microwave pyrolysis: Techno-economic analysis and life cycle assessment 2024-12-12 5
116 [2024.10 출판] 김보성(경영대학 경영학과) Is green optimism good for the environment but bad for firms?—A study on green optimism in a supply chain 2024-12-12 8