Kyung Hee realizes academic excellence based on diversity and creativity and embodies
the ‘global dignity’ of a university as a venue for public practice for better people and a better world.
1. Educational Objective
2. Introducing MIS
The MIS major emphasizes the importance of general management methods and conventional management knowledge. At the same time, we strive to foster integrate talent who are capable of realizing, applying, understanding, and evaluating up-to-date information/communications technology. Through our intensive curriculum that comprehensively applies management, engi- neering, and social science, our MIS students will become the leading experts of management in the 21st century.
3. Career Path following Graduation
Strategy, planning, and intelligence divisions of various organizations (service, manufacturing, and government organizations)
IT industry, e-Commerce industry, Digital entertainment, Consulting firms, and Venture businesses
Further study in graduate school
Multimedia contents planning and production, Systems integration, Advertisement & Marketing, Information systems profes- sional
Founding Internet business and venture business
e-Business related off-line business planning and operations, Web agency, e-Commerce manager, e-Business consultant
4. Significant Facts
The MIS major boasts of excellent research performance including the average of 37 research articles per professor and 8 research articles published in international journals per professor in the last 4 years.
Undergraduate MIS was selected a talent development project by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy in 2001 and 2002.
Graduate MIS was selected a graduate level MIS development project by the aforementioned agency in 2004 and 2005. This resulted in 450 million won government support and provided scholarships to all of the full-time graduate students. Furthermore, our school has developed to be an 'industrial-educational cooperation graduate school'.
Graduate MIS was selected a graduate level MIS development project by the aforementioned agency in 2004 and 2005. This resulted in 450 million won government support and provided scholarships to all of the full-time graduate students. Furthermore, our school has developed to be an 'industrial-educational cooperation graduate school'.
The MIS major invites renowned MIS CEOs every semester for special lecture. These include Se-Woong Yoon (Overture Korea), Jong-Ryul Seo (SK Telecom), Chang Yoon (HIBRAIN), Sung-Chul Park (Encar), Yu-Shik Kim (DC Inside), Seing-Un Kim (Samsung Insurance), Hoon Park (KTB Network), Jeong-Taek Oh (Hanaro Communications), Jae-Young Park (Deloitte Consulting), Sook-Young Lee (LG CNS), Young-Soo Kwon (LG Electronics), Dae-San Lee (KTF Internet), Ji-Young Park (Com2us), Yong-Jun Hyung (NHN), Sung-Hee Kim (KAIST e-Government Research Center), Sang-Soon Park (Auction), Keum-Ryong Lee (Inicis), Se-Hoon Joo (Yes24), Hyun-Am Shin (Samsung Economy Research Center), Hae-Ik Lee (Lees Business Consulting), Yeon-Jae Kang (Hyundai Securities), Myung-Seok Jung (EDS Korea), Seo-Whan Cho (KTF), Jung- Cheon Park (Korea Logistics and IT), Joo-Yeon Lee (SK C&C), II-Ho Kim (Oracle Korea), Song-E Yoon (SK Telecom), Young- Pil Seo (Able C&C), Frank Contraco (Meltke), Young-Sook (World Future Forum), Hye-Ryun Kim (IF Network), Ji-Yeop Kim m (Byuk-San)
The MIS major has concluded industrial-educational cooperation contracts with 17 major organizations including SK Telecom, Korea Infoservices, Hanaro Communications, Oracle Korea, LG CNS, Korea Logistics & IT, 2E Infocom, Overture Korea, DC Inside, Inicis, FNBC, SK Communications, Korea Asset Management, Hyundai Department Store, and Samsung Insurance to reinforce research and education in Mobile & Ubiquitous, e-Biz solutions, and Internet business.
In 2004 alone, a variety of research projects were conducted in collaboration with Korea Sanhak Foundation, Korea Information Society Development Institute, National Information Society Agency, Korea Asset Management Agency, Small & Medium Business Administration, Samsung Insurance, KT, SK Telecom, Samsung Life, Korea Tourism Organization, Electronics & Telecommunications Research Institute, National IT Industry Promotion Agency, and FKMI.
5. Recommended Curriculum Roadmap