경희대학교 경영대학


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Kyung Hee realizes academic excellence based on diversity and creativity and embodies
the ‘global dignity’ of a university as a venue for public practice for better people and a better world.

History of the

  • 1958

    A major in Commercial Science is offered

  • 1963

    A major in Business Administration is offered

  • 1966

    The Graduate School of Industrial Business Administration is established

  • 1972

    The two majors are conflated into the Business Administration major

  • 1980

    A major in Accounting is offered

  • 1996

    The Department of Business Administration, including the majors in Business Administration and Accounting, is established within the School of Political Science and Economics

  • 2003

    The Department of Business Administration is renamed the School of Management and becomes a separate entity

  • 2006

    The major in Accounting becomes the major in Accounting and Taxation

  • 2008

    The School of Management moves into its own building, Orbis Hall

  • 2012

    Professor Hochang Lee was appointed the 6th Dean of the School of Management.

  • 2014

    A major in Health services management is abolished.

  • 2018

    Professor Sangchan Park is appointed the 7th Dean of the School of Management.

  • 2021

    Professor Obeyong Kwon is appointed the 8th Dean of the School of Management.

  • 2022

    A major in Big data analytics is newly created.
    Professor Hyejung Chang is appointed the 9th Dean of the School of Management.

Facts and

  • Faculty Members

    64(full-time), 51(part-time)

  • Number of Departments

    2 (Undergraduate), 3 (Graduate)

  • Areas of Study

    Finance, HRM, POM, Marketing, MIS, General Business, Health Services Management, Accounting and Taxation

  • Courses Offered

    328 (undergraduate), 69 (graduate)

  • Current Students

    1,923 (undergraduate), 150 (graduate)

  • Students Graduated
    (class of 2012)

    373 (BS), 16 (MS), 7 (Ph.D.)

  • Alumni


  • Admit Rate
    (class of 2013)


Seoul : 26, Kyungheedae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, 02447, Korea

Global : 1732 Deogyeong-daero Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-Do 17104, Korea