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General Management

General Management
General Management fosters future management professionals armed with strategic thinking and the balance between theory and practice to embrace the rapidly changing business environment of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have witnessed a shift from manufacturing to services in the industrial environment, which now urges us to acquire management knowledge based on online and land-based convergence and industry convergence. Therefore, educational goal is to produce professionals who are sufficiently prepared for the Fourth Industrial Revolution to play key roles in corporate management. Importantly, we aim to cultivate digital capabilities in management that can be applied to any industry by integrating state-of-the-art information technologies and systems with fundamental elements of modern business administration: marketing, HR/organization, financial management, operations management, and accounting management. Our graduates are tasked with furthering their career development and exploring diverse career choices, including advancing into diverse positions in industries, starting a business, or entering a doctoral program.

전공 주임교수 박용승

Head Professor
Park Yong-Seung

Future management requires balance.
Not only between mind and reason but also between theory and practice.
General Business supports your capacity building, enabling you to care for and work with others, who, in turn, will help you to maximize organizational effectiveness and performance.