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GAFC aims to conduct research, education, and practical projects
that embody the Kyung Hee's founding spirit of "Creating a Civilized World" and "Scholarship and Peace."


서브 컨텐츠

Kyung Hee University was designated as UNESCO Chair University for 2010 and its goal was titled as “Seeking a Paradigm for Future Civilization”. The UNESCO Chair University Program was adopted at the 26th UNESCO General Assembly in 1992 in order to realize the ideals of UNESCO through exchanges and cooperation with higher educational institutions in the world. The program is usually established at universities or research institutions.

UNESCO Chair programs have been installed under the theme of “Philosophy and Democracy at Seoul National University (1997), “Communication Skills for Women” at Sookmyung Women’s University (1998), “Social Sustainability of Historic Earth” at Yonsei University (2008) & “Women’s Empowerment” at Ehwa Women’s University (2010). Kyung Hee has a long tradition of “Scholarship and Peace” that harmonizes research, education and praxis in order to realize a better human civilization. In particular, Kyung Hee was honored with “UNESCO Peace Education Award” in 1993. The Global Academy of Future Civilization is drawing on the tradition of “Scholarship and Peace” in its activities as a UNESCO Chair University.

Kyung Hee University UNESCO Chair supports “Consilience Research” on civilization and human phenomena, which pursues an integral approach of various fields including history, philosophy, politics, sociology, anthropology, and ecology. Kyung Hee will not be confined to simply proposing conceptual blueprints on alternative future civilizations, but will expand the boundary of discourse to discuss practical frames and structures in our reality.

We will develop the program into an academic cooperative network of civilization discourse which connects not only research/educational institutions but also NGOs and INGOs from home and abroad in order to effectively achieve the goal of “seeking a paradigm for a future civilization” and to maximize its influence.

Major Projects

- to perform Joint research, educational activities and publications related to research and advocacy regarding a future civilization together with research institutions and universities at home and abroad
- to actively conduct UNITWIN projects
- to regularly hold for a and seminars to promote a discourse on East Asia’s future Civilization
- to invite international leaders and prominent scholars for lectures and meetings