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GAFC aims to conduct research, education, and practical projects
that embody the Kyung Hee's founding spirit of "Creating a Civilized World" and "Scholarship and Peace."

HOME Peace BAR Festival
Peace BAR Festival

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Kyung Hee University has held a peace conference every year in celebration of “the UN International Day of Peace” since it was enacted at the 36th session of the UN General Assembly in 1981. The Global Academy for Future Civilization holds a yearly “Peace BAR Festival” which is an expansion of “The 25th International Symposium to Commemorate the UN International Day of Peace.” .

Peace Conferences have been held on the themes of “Reinventing Universality for the 21st Century; Beyond Freedom and Equality” (2006), “Future Civilization, Future University: A New Horizon for Knowledge and Praxis” (2008), “The Body and Civilization: A New Horizon” (2010), and “The Body and Catastrophe: Towards a New Utopia” (2011). The Global Academy for Future Civilization also hosted “2006 Sharing Festival: One Fine Day—365 Beautiful Days of Sharing” and the “2006 Kyung Hee Youth Forum: 21-century Global Governance.” The Peace Conference and Peace BAR Festival have contributed to spread of peace research, peace education and peace movement around the world. The Global Academy of Future Civilization regularly holds academic conferences in order to "establish common values and put forth new plans for humanity and for the global community." Our debate on current events is always grounded in introspection concerning humanity, civilization and history. We promote a discourse about alternatives for civilization, and provide a platform for exchanges and collaborative research on modern societal phenomena in politics, economics, society, culture, and science by scholars and stakeholders across the globe.