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GAFC aims to conduct research, education, and practical projects
that embody the Kyung Hee's founding spirit of "Creating a Civilized World" and "Scholarship and Peace."

HOME Spirit

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  • Human society is advancing and changing at an alarming speed today as a result of the industrial revolution, innovations in science technology and the information revolution. Modern civilization offers humankind a more affluent and convenient life that it has ever enjoyed before. However, the blind pursuit of technological progress, without concern for norms and ethics, combined with the overheated competition and materialism born of a market economy put our humanity at risk and degraded our nature. Although in material terms we may grow richer and richer, we are losing the qualities that make us human. The tides of globalization and hegemonic delusions of limitless prosperity and growth further demean our civilization.

Responding to such overwhelming trends in modern civilization requires reflective introspection. Excessive materialism, the dehumanization of civilization, and hegemonism must be overcome if we wish to either preserve the freedom and equality we associate with modern society, or even to pursue peace for humanity in the future. Human society has before it tremendous possibilities for increasing democracy, welfare and creating a more human world if it can properly take advantages of contemporary trends in technology, the information revolution and globalization. Humanity faces a great transformation of civilization. The emerging borderless society crosses previous boundaries, creating a multicultural space that transcends races and ethnicity. Our information society hovers precariously between reality and a virtual world. We must all join forces and reaffirm our common values, goals and tasks so that diverse cultures can communicate with each other and overcome the hegemonic dominance that blocks out a better life.

Responding to these tremendous challenges, Kyung Hee University has made the creation of a better human society central to its mission. The university has as its motto “Creating a Civilized Society.” Among the efforts of Kyung Hee to realize that goal are activities to encourage international collaboration of the “Global Common Society Movement” and the “Humanity Peace Movement” which seek to build a “future civilization of peace and prosperity.” Among their achievements are the “Global Initiative 100 for the Neo-Renaissance,” the “1999 Seoul International Conference of NGOs” and the construction of UN Peace Park and Global NGO Complex in 2004.

In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of its foundation, Kyung Hee University established the World Civic Forum (WCF) in 2009. In addition, Kyung Hee has pursued its tradition of “Scholarship and Peace” by setting up the Humanitas College in 2011, the Miwon lecture series in 2010, and the Global Service Corps (GSC) in 2011.

The Global Academy for Future Civilization was established in September 2005 to continue Kyung Hee’s tradition of “Scholarship and Peace”. The Academy is building a human-centered cooperative society, a global community for the new millennium through our creativity and innovation. We address not only the “contemporary aporia” born of modern society, but also engage in research projects, educational activities and advocacy and action that bring together the universal human values of freedom, equality, peace and prosperity as a living and breathing whole. Kyung Hee cherishes the social responsibility of higher education and has committed itself to carrying out projects for the gradual improvement of human civilization. We aim to take the lead in creating a future civilization for humanity.