Dr. Eunlim Chi graduated from the Department of English Literature and Language at Ewha Womans University in 1984 and received her master's degree and Ph.D. in Educational Evaluation and Measurement from the University of Chicago.
She started her career in Kyung Hee University in 2000 as a professor in the Graduate School of Education. She served as the Dean of the General Education, the Dean of the Graduate School of Education, the Dean of Office of Academic Affairs, and the Dean of Office of Research at Kyung Hee University. She also served as the president of Korean Society for Educational Evaluation and the director of National Institute for Lifelong Education board. She is currently the vice president of Korean Educational Research Association and a board director of Korean Institute for Research of Behavior Science.
Develop and uphold values and tradition of Kyung Hee
Assist the President of Kyung Hee University
Establish and achieve Kyung Hee’s ideal talent and core competencies
Raising the level of excellence in education and research
- Nurture transformative, creative convergence talents
- Implement a future-oriented, advanced academic system
- Invite scholars and recruit excellent faculty
- Create an innovative system of research support for researchers and students
Expanding the presence of the University and academic promotion projects
- Set goals and implement development plans for the University including the Graduate School, departments, and subsidiary research facilities
- Foster and support excellent academic institutions associated with the University
- Inspect and maintain the academic performance of the University and the associated research arms
Enhance communication, dynamism, and satisfaction of Kyung Hee community members
- Promote and support communication, participation, connective cooperation, and collaboration
- Promote members’ aspiration for self-development and support them to empower themselves
- Operate through means of competent committees and meetings
- Accommodate members’ opinions and build consensus
Assess departmental competency including qualitative evaluation
Any other matter of pertinence to the duties above