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Short-term Mobility Program
HOME Short-term Program Short-term Mobility Program

서브 컨텐츠

What is a Short-term Mobility Program?
A Short-term Mobility Program is an international program opportunity for students, offering a 1~4 week academic course during the semester or summer/winter break. The program participants will study courses hosted by prestigious universities and institutions around the world and can earn credit through the program.
Office of International Affairs, Kyung Hee University, provides a unique short-term mobility program. It is a theme-based program, allowing students to have a chance to learn in-depth about the themes, as well as cultural excursion and interaction opportunities.


- Elaborately designed for KHU students, in collaboration with world-renowned universities and institutions
- The first of its kind in Korea in UN SDGs focused international programs
- Designed under various themes, provided with opportunities to be exposed to different cultures and challenges
- Offered in-person(On-site) or Online
- Open to all undergraduate KHU students(no limits in majors)
- Scholarship opportunities which can motivate students to participate in the program (the amount of scholarships differs by programs)

Credit Transfer

- Those who complete the program receive ‘국제화연수’ credit
- The number of credits will be 1~3 by programs and transferred in ‘자유선택’ credit


A student should meet all requirements below
1) 2nd semester ~7th semester of undergraduate student in Seoul or Global campus
※ Participation restricted if,
- Students who are not currently enrolled in the semester or who are currently in 8th semester
(8th semester students can only apply for a program during the semester)
- Students who are current exchange students and will participate in other international programs
2) GPA 2.0 or above and Credits earned 12 or above (previous semester)
3) English(or the program language) competency in discussion and presentation is pre-requisite
4) Who can earn “국제화연수” credit from the short-term mobility program
- Students can obtain up to 6 credits through short-term mobility program including faculty-led programs before graduation
(both during the semester and summer & winter break)
- Students who already earned 6 credits in total through short-term mobility programs are not allowed to apply for the program
※ The short-term mobility program includes global leadership program and faculty-led program
※ Eligibility requirements are subject to change by programs, so please check the announcement

[Reference] OIA Short-term Mobility Program vs Faculty-led Program
Short-term Mobility Program, Global Leadership Program, Faculty-led Program
Short-term Program
Short-term Mobility Program Faculty-led Program
Operation by the Office of International Affairs by a college/department
Major restriction open to all undergraduate students
(No limit in majors)
only students in the college/department or major
Topic Special themes by programs Major related topics
Credit Transfer ‘자유선택’ Credit Major Credit
Recruitment See the schedule and process below Different by college/department
*Contact to the office of your college/department
Recruitment schedule

- Semester Program: March(1st semester), September(2nd semester)
- Summer/Winter break Program: May, November
※ Differ by programs


- Recruit Announcement on the OIA website
- Online Application (Info21)
- Document Submission
- Interview
- Result Announcement


- Students can obtain up to 6 credits through short-term mobility programs including faculty-led programs before graduation
(both during the semester and summer & winter break)
- Host institution/program/theme can be different in each semester
- Programs can be cancelled or changed if the number of students does not reach the minimum required for the program
- Program schedules are subject to change by host institutions’ circumstances
- Students must participate in the orientations and schedules
- If students withdraw or fail to complete the program, the program fee will be taken back from the student
- If students withdraw or fail the program, there will be restrictions on applying for other international programs operated by OIA
