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Exchange Program

Exchange Student Program
HOME Exchange Program Exchange Student Program

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What is an exchange student program?

The exchange student program is a program that exchanges students under mutual agreements with overseas partner universities. Exchange students will be enrolled in Kyung Hee university during the exchange period, but only take classes in the partner university without paying extra tuition. The credits you’ve earn from the host universities will be transferred to Kyung Hee University credits.


A person who meets all of the following requirements.

1) A person who has obtained grades by attending at least one semester in the undergraduate department of Kyung Hee.(including transferred students)
2) A person who will be studying in his/her last semester in Kyung Hee.
3) Those who have a cGPA of 3.0 or higher out of 4.3 points.
4) Those who meets the language requirements * Language score should be uploaded in the Info21 system and accepted by OIA.




TOEFL iBT72, ITP543, or IELTS6.0 above. (At least 1 certificates needed)


JLPT N2 above


New HSK 3 or HSKK intermediate above


Recommendation Letter from the head of department of the language you apply for

* The language certificates should be valid when applying and recommended that they have taken in last 2 years.
* The valid period of certificates can be different by universities. Please check the host university list and check the detailed information on langauge requirements
* Please check the recruitment notice of each semesters in the Notice board.

5) Those who meet both the language requirements and qualification of the host university

* If a certain university specifies that students with 3rd grade or above and iBT 80 can apply, you have to meet both.

* You can check specific information of each university in the list.

6) Those who don’t have any disqualifications when traveling abroad

* It is not necessary if you apply for an online program.

If you are disqualified, your selection will automatically be cancelled.

Select your study language

The recruitment will be classified by the language you will use when taking courses at the host universities.

(French, Russian, Spanish)
  • * French langauge recruitment is only available in the Fall recruitment.
  • * You can only choose one study language when applying and only apply for the universities that offers courses in your study language.
  • * You can take multiple courses with different langauges in one university, but the main study language courses should be over 50% of the total number of courses you take. Also, you have to meet the requirements for both of the languages.
  • * You can find information on course language at the Host University List in the recruit announcement post.

Selection Schedule


Spring Semester

Spring Semester

Recruit Announcement

Early June

Early December

Online apply

Late June ~ Early July

Late December ~ Early January

Result Announcement

in July

in January


in August

in February

* The schedule is subject to change. please refer to the announcement post.

How to Apply

1) Upload language certificates on the Aladdin System: Info21-Aladdin-[역량관리]-[학습활동]

[외부비교과] → [자격증] → Click ‘등록’ → 활동명 [교환학생] After filling in the blanks, click ‘저장(Save)’

* If you have multiple language scores, all of them should be registered in Info21 and accepted by OIA.
* If you already have the language score accepted by OIA, you don't have to register the score again.

Registration period before the online application starts
* We will accept all language scores in batches after the 1st period.
* You have to send an email to outbound.mobility@khu.ac.kr to get accepted if you couldn't register your language score during the period. (until 17:00 of application due date)

2) Online application using Info 21 system: Info21-Activities-[교환학생·학점교류 신청]

Click ‘20**-* 국제교류팀 파견 교환학생’ → Fill in the blanks and upload files → Click ‘최종 신청’

* Refer to [Guideline for Exchange Program Application] file when you are in the application process.
* You should upload your self-introduction and study plan on ‘자기소개서 및 수학계획서’ using the designated form we provide. (You don’t have to write on the application page.)
* You can apply for up to 5 choices of host universities.
* Be sure to click [최종 제출] button by the deadline.
* Within the application period, you can withdraw and amend your application by clicking [신청 취소] button even after the final submission.

[Consulting with the head of the department]
* We recommend you consult with the head of your department before applying for an exchange program about taking courses and transferring credits.
* To prevent COVID 19, we don’t recommend you to consult face-to-face.

Selection criteria

100 points in total by summing up the evaluation scores of each. Students with a higher total score will have priority

1) Criteria

Language Score(40%) + cGPA(50%) + Documents(10%) + Extra Points

2) Evaluation

- Official Language Score and cGPA are automatically converted according to the reflection ratio.
* In the case of a summer/winter semester grades, it will be included only if they are specified in your transcript at the time of application.
- Documents: Base score(10 points), In the case you send us documents with incorrect information or you miss necessary documents, you will get minus 1 point per case.
* If you don’t submit a self-introduction and study plan, you will not be selected as an interviewee.
- Additional points
↳ In the case of more than 100 hours of volunteer work, you will get one point. (+1)
* Only acceptable if specified in the Info21 - ‘봉사실적내역’ menu
↳ If you took some of the courses in Global Collaborative Summer Program(GC), you can get one point per one course. (Up to 2 points)

↳ If you have participated in the Global Ambassador Program of OIA, you can get one additional point maximum.
- In the event of a tie, priority is given based on the following;
1) cGPA, 2) Official Language Score, 3) Documents

Remaining slots recruitment

1) How to apply
We announce the result and remaining slots at the same time. There will be a survey of desired applicants, which will be announced individually. 
* Additional selection for remaining slots only applies to those who applied for the exchange program but were not nominated.
* Those who didn’t submit necessary documents or who were judged unqualified in the interview are excluded.

2) How to select

Applicants will be assigned to their choices of universities in the order of the total scores.

Things you should know after you are selected

1) Before the exchange program

- You must submit your application to the host university. If you miss a deadline, your exchange may be canceled.
- Students only can register classes in the host university. (You can’t register any classes in KHU during exchange semester.)
- During the exchange period, it is not allowed to take a leave of absence, give up in the middle, or drop out of school except when it is no longer possible to study due to accidents, diseases, etc. (If you have inevitable reasons of cancellation, you should submit the statement of reasons to OIA and get approval from OIA in advance.)
- You should check details by yourself, such as visa issuance, accommodation, and so on.
* Make an inquiry to the embassy about visa issuance and required documents.

2) In the middle of the exchange program

- You should take courses in the study language you applied for.
(If your study language is English, you should take classes conducted in English. If your study language is Japanese, you should take classes conducted in Japanese.)
- You must take at least 9 credits in the exchange semester.
* If you have to meet certain standard of credits due to individual scholarship, be sure to check necessary credits before registering classes.
Make an inquiry to the administrative/academic office about how many credits can be transferred to the maximum and what courses can be accepted as major credits.
- You must return to Korea before the end of visa, and the exchange period won’t be extended.

3) After the exchange program

- After completing the program, the credit transfer is not automatically processed. You have to apply for it by yourself.
(You are fully responsible for missing the period of credit transfer.)
- For transferring credits, it must be done within the next semester after the exchange semester is over. If you miss the period, you may not be able to transfer credits.
- You should request your transcript to the host university to deliver it to OIA.
↳ In the case of the transcript being sent by email, it can be accepted as an original only when it is sent directly from the host university to OIA.
↳ In the case of you receiving the transcript by mail, it can be accepted as an original only when submitted to OIA in a sealed state.
- After OIA receives a transcript of records from the host university and checks its authenticity, it is uploaded in the Info21 system. We notify you of it via e-mail and send you the guideline for the credit transfer, and you should follow the steps specified in it to transfer credits.
- The grades you got from the host university are marked as PASS/NonPass after a credit transfer.
- You can apply for the program consecutively. Please consider the selection schedule, the date of interview, visa and credit transfer if you are planning to apply for it consecutively.




Visit our Social Network Channel for more information

- Exchange student Community KHU-KEE : https://cafe.naver.com/khukee
- Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnz7yc2Mk1RCS9ZEzVS8JiA
- Instagram : www.instagram.com/khu_international